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Hey everyone and Happy New Year,

Graham Forbes


 I am so excited by what the Lord has for us this coming year. As well as our Sunday morning teaching series, in February we will also begin a study called Finding Faithful Elders and Deacons on Tuesday evenings at 6pm. Let me encourage us all to get along on Tuesday nights for what I believe will be a very beneficial time for us as a church.  This is not just for those who will become Elders and Deacons in the future, this is for all of us who consider STCF as their church so that we know the Biblical direction to take as a church.


Let me also encourage you to read Finding Faithful Elders and Deacons, by Thabiti Anyabile. To quote a passage from his book, “A church without Godly leaders is an endangered church - and a church that does not train leaders is an unfaithful church. God gives leaders to His church for the maturity, unity and soundness of each congregation.” Our good friend Alistair Hornal has agreed to kick off our study on the 4th of February by sharing his thoughts and many years of experience in ministry. Like all pastors, Alistair has seen the ups and downs of ministry and the benefit to finding good faithful elders and deacons.   For the past number of years STCF has had several Gift Days for the purpose of renovation. This has stretched back as long as before the pandemic. The leadership of the church are all in agreement that 2025 is the year for such a project to take place! Nothing lasts forever and so we have need of some updating the fabric of the church but also some deeper issues that, as good stewards, we want to pay attention to.  In the first instance, the leadership thought it would be good to have a wish list of what needs to be done. And then we can prioritize according to need and funding.

In 2025, let us promote unity as a church and a love for Christ and each other.

Isa 42:12

Let them give glory to theLord, and declare his praise in the coastlands.





Centro Comercial Apolo57
Calle Pedro Bethencourt no2,
Los Cristianos, 38650, Arona,
Tenerife, Canary Islands


Telephone:  (0034) 922 79 00 07

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