Who are STCF and what do we do?
STCF stands for South Tenerife Christian Fellowship. We are a medium-sized Christian Fellowship church based in the South Tenerife neighbourhood of Los Christianos. Our church is a modern space situated above the 'Central Comercial Apolo' shopping centre.
We hold regular faith and worship sessions and host a range of social and community activities for the church and friends of the church.
If you would like to join us or find out more, please come along to one of the activities listed on our calendar below, or contact us via the contact form on this site.


Graham Forbes
What we believe
Whilst we welcome all people to our Church, we hold to the following Bible doctrines and beliefs;

There is One God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Man was created by the direct act of God, and subsequently fell into sin so that the whole race is at war with God and needs His salvation.

The future
We are looking for the personal, Imminent, bodily return of Christ for the subsequent establishment of His Kingdom on earth.

The Lord Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is the virgin-born Son of God, the only Saviour, Lord, and way to Heaven.

We believe in a literal devil called Satan, who is a fallen angel and head of the forces of wickedness. He is a defeated foe who will finally be imprisoned forever along with the other fallen hosts and lost of the earth.

Church Practice
We believe that the Lord's Supper, as a memorial of Christ's death, and baptism by immersion are the two Scriptural ordinances. They are not sacraments.

Salvation is by faith in the shed blood and vicarious atonement of Jesus Christ on the cross. Works do not have a part in salvation but are the evidence of genuine conversion.

Heaven and hell
We believe a literal hell will be the eternal punishment of the lost, and a literal Heaven will be the reward of the saved.

Our purpose is to help people make an eternal connection with Jesus Christ and with others in order to grow strong to produce fruit for the kingdom of God.
The Lord’s Supper being a remembrance of Christ until He comes and a renewal of commitment to Him. All those who are saved by God’s grace and love the Lord Jesus Christ, are walking in fellowship with Him and living in a godly manner with their neighbours are welcome to join with us around the Lord’s Table.
The Baptism of Believers by total immersion upon profession of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and whose lives bear evidence of their Christian profession. This as a symbol of their identification with Him in His death, burial and resurrection.